What’s the difference? Read this post to find out!

Meg's Musings

I’m almost done with module 1 and I’ve learned a lot. One thing that will stick with me (but has little to do with the course materials) is a FAQ I found on the Bridge TEFL website, which explains the difference between ESL and EFL. I knew that one stands for “English as a Second Language” and the other is “English as a Foreign Language” but I only just learned that they are not interchangeable. The use of “foreign” or “second” indicates WHERE the student learns the language. English as a Second Language is taught in an English-speaking country, such as a student from Spain who lives or studies in the U.S. and takes English classes. English as a Foreign Language refers to a student in their home country learning English, for example a Chinese student studying English in China.

So now I know that I’m going to be an…

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